Abu Sir

Abu Sir is just a bit south of Cairo, and is part of the swath of pyramid fields that run alongside the Nile. The crumbled monuments here are only a few of the 300 pyramids in Egypt.
Read MoreAncient sites and sand
Abu Sir is just a bit south of Cairo, and is part of the swath of pyramid fields that run alongside the Nile. The crumbled monuments here are only a few of the 300 pyramids in Egypt.
Read MoreThe pyramid of Sahure (named “The Rising of the Ba Spirit”) is built as a core of blocks of limestone , and originally consisted of five or six steps with the blocks held together with a mud mortar.
Read MoreThe pyramid is called “The Places of Niuserre Established”, and was constructed of seven steps of limestone blocks and mortar, and covered with a casing of fine white limestone.
Read MoreI think that every tourist in Egypt wants to go into the Great Pyramid — for many, it i the highlight of the trip.
Read MoreOf the three Middle Kingdom pyramids at Dashur, the best remains belong to Amenemhet III, a ruler of the 12th Dynasty. This one, though, is almost unrecognizable as a pyramid.
Read MoreThe pyramids in Dashur are, in their own way, even more spectacular than the famous pyramids at Giza. They represent a significant step in pyramid development — the experiments to get the ‘true pyramid’ right.
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