Sacred Lake

Every temple had a sacred lake within the temple precinct, fed from the Nile. This one is the only place greenery grows in the temple
Read MoreAncient sites and sand
Every temple had a sacred lake within the temple precinct, fed from the Nile. This one is the only place greenery grows in the temple
Read MoreCairo is the city of a thousand minarets, and a look across the skyline of the city (when you can see farther than a few blocks!) is testimony to the claim.
Read MoreMark says that I’m one of few people to get an entire year’s worth of enjoyment out of a three week vacation — months beforehand collecting guidebooks, sticking pins into maps, writing down all the information that I find; months afterward putting the website together, researching the photo notes, and wrapping up the travelogue.
Read MoreA bit of a change from wet, rainy Scotland: off to the hot sands of the Sahara desert and the Nile. We spent 24 days in Egypt with a private guide, driver, and lots of sunscreen. A bit different for us (we didn’t drive this time), but a spectacular trip!
Read MoreAnother travel site? I can’t help it. I’m compulsive, at the very least. Three weeks in Egypt with a private guide and a long list of things we had to see
Read MoreFour years. Well, we intended to go someplace much sooner, but life just seems to be running at a frantic pace lately. But the travel bug is back, and we are immersed in planning our next trip – this time to Egypt
Read MoreUnlike our previous trip, most of the places we want to visit in Egypt are standard ‘tourist’ sites. There is simply so much in Egypt that we want to see. In Scotland, we hired a car and drove ourselves around with no itinerary, no reservations, and no real plan. While this is entirely possible in […]
Read MoreNot For the Squeamish… The most common question I received about my previous site on Scotland was “How much did it cost?” To be entirely honest, we didn’t really keep track when we were there. It was our anniversary, and we had saved for quite awhile. It’s bit different this time. Since we’re doing the […]
Read MoreThe various options to get around (note: driving yourself really shouldn’t be one of them, given that traffic rules are just, well, guidelines). Public transport, taxis, and trains.
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