One of the first things that I realized about our trip to Scotland was that everything worth seeing in Scotland is UP. I spent more time climbing hills, climbing steps, climbing…and this one is 246 steps up in a tiny circular staircase on the outer wall.
This is a child abbey from Kelso abbey, also a Tironensian foundation from the 12th century. It is possible that the abbey was never finished, and it was left to ruin in the 16th century.
s a t u r d a y m a y 2 2 1 9 9 9 Despite the room being in the boonies, breakfast of ham and cheese omelets was at least as good as dinner. I checked us out, telling them exactly why (I’m not spending two nights in the […]
If there is a more picturesque abbey in Scotland, I don’t know what it is. Sweetheart abbey is a fabulous ruin set in a grassy churchyard that is almost too green to be real