Abydos King List
Most of the information that we have about the pharaohs of Egypt comes from a number of early writers — Herodotus, Manetho — and inscripions from each reign. There are a few “kinglists” that purport to provide a history of the pharaohs of Egypt by listing every pharaoh, with his full titulary.
One such list is the kinglist at Abydos, in the Temple of Seti. The walls of a narrow corridor list column after column of pharaohs. It is obviously not a complete list, and in some cases the chronology has been updated by recent egyptological evidence. Just remember that the “winners” get to write the history. Most notably, Queen Hatshepsut and the possible Queen Merneith are not included at all.
The Kings listed in Abydos includes:
- Meni (Established One)
- Teti
- Iti (The Soverign)
- Ita (The Soveriegn Vulture)
- Djaty (Two Estates)
- Mer-ba-pen\
- Semsem (Priest of Priests, or Ptah Priest)
- Qebh (Hawk-headed god of the south)
- Mdw-ti-umer
- Ka-kau (Soul of Bulls)
- Khnum-netjer-n (Sacred Ram)
- Uadj-nes
- Sen-di, or Sen-Dji (Feared One)
- Dja-dja-tepy (The head Chief)
- Nebka (Lord of the Souls)
- Djeser-za (Sacred Protection)
- Teti
- Z-Djes (I am my own man)
- Nefer-ka-re (Good Soul of Re)
- Snefru
- Khufu
- Djedef-re
- Khaf-re
- Men-kau-re
- Shepseskaf
- Userkaf
- Sahure
- Kakai (Neferirkare)
- Neferefre
- Niuserre
- Menkauhor (Kaiu)
- Djedkare (Isesi)
- Unas
- Teti
- Userkare
- Mery-re (Pepi I)
- Merenre
- Neferkare (Pepi II)
- Merenzamsaf
- Neterkare
- Menkare
- Neferkare
- Neferkaneby
- Djedkamaare (King of Herdsmen)
- Nefer-kakhendure
- Merenhor
- Sneferka
- Nekare
- Neferkatrure
- Neferkahor
- Neferkapepyseneb-re
- Nefer-ka-annu-re
- Neferkaure
- Neferkaure
- Naferkauhor
- Nefer-ir-kare
- Nebmedoore (Menuhotep I)
- Sankhkare (Mentuhotep II)
- Sehotepibre (Amenemhat I)
- Kheperkare (Senusret I)
- Nebkaure (Amenemhet II)
- Khakheperre (Senusret II)
- Khakaure (Senusret III)
- Nemaatre (Amenemhet III)
- Maakheru-re (Amenemhet IV)
- Neb-pehty-re (Amose I)
- Djeserkare (Amenhotep I)
- Aa-Kheper-kare (Tuthmose I)
- Aa-Kheper-en-re (Tuthmose II)
- Menkheperre (Tuthmose III)
- Aa-kheperu-re (Amenhotep II)
- Men-kheperure (Tuthmose IV)
- Neb-maat-re (Amenhotep III)
- Djeser-kheperu-re Setep-en-er (Horemheb)
- Men-pehty-re (Ramesses I)
- Men-maat-re (Seti I)