Great Temple of Amun at Karnak

Ancient sites and sand
The hypostyle hall of the Great Temple of Amun is about 6000 square meters and is filled with 134 columns, like a great dark forest of stone.
Read MoreThis tiny temple is one of thse called the Temples of the Hearing Ear — meant for temples dedicated to smaller, less important deities associated with Amun
Read MoreOne of the other larger temples on the ground is the temple of Khonsu and the smaller Opet temple. These are int he southwest corner of the enclosure
Read MoreJust inside the first pylon, to the right is the Temple of Ramesses III, a columned festival temple that was probably designed to hold the barques used in the ritual festivals for Amun, Mut, and Knonsu, the “Theban Triad”. A small hypostyle hall leads to the barque shrines. THe entire small temple is fronted by […]
Read MoreThis incredibly plain shrine has three chambers decidated to the Theban Triad. It was likely a shrine for a funerary barque
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