We headed off into the desert after getting directions, passed through a bunch of small towns, and finally ended up at the base of a escarpment where a dig was in progress. We weren’t allowed to take any pictures of the dig.

So, we sat on the little bluff and took pictures of the pyramid in the distance. Yes, it’s the little box on the hill. The other pyramids include Zawiyet el-Meititin Pyramid near Minya, the SInki Pyramid south of Abydos, the Naqada Pyramid, the Kula Pyramid near Hierakonpolis, the Edfu pyramid, the Elephantine Pyramid and a final one near Benha that has completely disappeared. Only scant remains of these pyramids exists and they are of little interest to most tourists.
So, no joy on the little pyramids in my book, but quite a grand adventure in the desert for the day!