On the shore of the beautiful Loch Broom, Ullapool is a quaint little village of whitewashed buildlings lining the long harbour. Everything is focused on the harbor and nearly every road angles down to the water’s edge.
We arrived late in Ullapool after driving around the coast, and our hotel was overbooked. We ended up at a local pub-cum-hotel and got to watch the ships come in to the harbor as we ate dinner. A very large ferry boat docks here in the evening, and there are many smaller sailboats and ships at the dock each night. You can walk right down to the water’s edge in most places, or sit on the breakwater wall.

Ullapool is a neat little town. When we left in the morning, everything was very crowded and the shops were just starting to open. We probably saw more people in Ullapool than in any of the other highland towns. It’s a very popular tourist destination.